Monday, May 26, 2008

“Am I or the others crazy?”

Einstein often asked himself “Am I or the others crazy?” I believe there is no correct answer. Critical analysis of one’s own behavior and actions can probably help in the compartmentalization of thoughts, which often leads to a strong belief towards a particular school of thought. However, the big question is how critical you are? Always believing that one is right may not necessarily imply that the course of action is indeed right. If that was the case there might be people with no regrets and if there are I haven’t found one. One might debate that right and wrong are relative terms and there is no absolute meaning. So that leaves the question unanswered.

Einstein was a great man and a brilliant thinker. He had amazed the world with his theories. People say that he was a determined person who believed in himself and when nobody believed in him he still went on. Just to ponder on the thought is that really the way to go? Where is the concept of cooperative development? May be he himself was not certain about what he believed and that is the reason he could not help others understand. May be that is the reason he contemplated “Am I or the others crazy?” One might say that others were too naive to understand what Einstein had to offer and now it seems about right but again going back to the world where theory of relativity does not exist what really made Einstein believe that he was right? I guess we have to ask Einstein himself. The point is although the earth below his legs was shaking with the ideas of others he decided to take the high road. The reason, I think, is intense self belief. The question again is how to build such a strong self belief? How to distinguish this self belief from vanity and narcissism? I guess answer to that question would answer “Am I or the other crazy?” However as I said there is no person without regret so self belief can be wrong sometimes.

I think there is always a probability associated when one is trying to find out the answer to the question and you can just increase the probability of an answer but it never reaches the absolute value.


g-man said...

critical analysis doesn't lead to compartmentalization of thoughts man. i think it leads to a better understanding of oneself and what direction one is going. couldn't it also be a mental check to see if one is on the right track to achieve one's goals? co-op development is well and good when everyone is actually involved in it, but one does need to spend time with oneself. at least i do. a lot.

self-belief is kinda totally different from vanity and narcissism isn't it? self belief is when you know you're going the right way, and it always arises from doubts and after questioning oneself. the other two kinda imply that you don't give a fuck if you're going in the right way or not as long as you look bloody good doing whatever it is you do

Anonymous said...

ehh.. hmmm.. nice english.. i didnt understand much.. hehe..

Hera said...

You make my head want to explode.

Unknown said...

@herasort_lol,whats thr so special inside ur head?

Unknown said...

@bob..oh sorry fr that...i am planning to write thngs in a simple way frm next blog doesnt make sense if the reader doesn't understands anythning!

Unknown said...

@gman...thanks fr such a critical analysis of my post.will consider all ur comments positively and will look upon it.

Deepthi said...

hmm nice whether ones conclusion is right(as einstein's) or wrong is totally depended on wat u think is right or wrong..i believe there is nothing as such as right n wrong..wat i may find right u may nt..cos each person has their own set of ideologies n right n wrong differ frm person to person...Bt yea wat matters is how u feel..if u think ur right, no matter wat crap others think, u should go ahead ur wat einstein did !

Gowri N Kishore said...

Trouble arises only if u want to answer the question honestly...
For the feel good factor, just tell yourself the world is crazy n it can go @#$% itself...
Or if u are in a masochist mood, tell urself u r crazy...dwell over it, brood a while n then clear out ur system...
And the fact is you need to do wateva it is u want to do, whether u be right or wrong...perhaps THAT is wt constitutes self-belief...

Unknown said...

thanks deepthi...ya each one has his or her own ideologies which is completely diff frm others.thanks fr inspiring me to go ahead!

Unknown said...

@gowri.thanks fr ur comment.he he i am never a masochist dude..infact i am fed up with everything!